JXT Blog

A Recruiter’s Guide to Building a Better Website

JXT Blog - Build Website

JXT Blog - Build Website

Regardless of your role in the recruitment industry, a top quality website is always a valuable asset and a crucial focal point for your brand. However, unless you’re a web developer, it can be difficult to manage building a first-class website while trying to drive a successful business.

Here is a checklist of the traits that make up a superior website:

1. Responsive

It is important to note that desktops are no longer the go-to device for users. Your site will ultimately be viewed on laptops, phones and tablets, making it essential that it fits perfectly to each of these devices.

Regardless of screen size, or how and where the user engages with your site, it must be equally as functional and legible on all platforms.  In many cases, touch screen interfaces can be a cause of trouble. For instance, tab menus may not work on devices such as Ipads when used without a mouse.

An easy way to check if your site is responsive is to open it across all of your devices – what you see is what you get.

2. Built for the user

Above all else your first point of call should be your users. If you haven’t consulted your market, how can you know what suits their needs best? Talking to them is essential. How are they able to apply for jobs on a mobile site if they don’t keep their resume on their phone?

Retrospective checks into the preferences of your job seekers and customers are a good idea if you have skipped this step.

3. Authentic

Scan your site. It’s time to say goodbye to using clichéd “stock standard” imagery. Audiences appreciate it when you don’t take a lazy, same-old same-old approach. Original images are far more meaningful and a way of capturing your brand’s essence in an authentic way.

4. Sociable

Are your social media links prominent on your site?  Visitors should be fed into your social media community and you should draw on those connections by bringing them directly into your web content.

It is vital that your website and social media promote one another. The key to this is repetition and consistent messaging. This can be done via live feeds, by calling users to action: e.g. ‘follow me’; ‘like me’; and posting content to social media that links back to your own site.

5. Live and manageable in real time

It is important to consider the nature of your platform and why you chose it. It isn’t enough to simply build a site that is left unchanged until a new one is built years later. There are a number of solutions to updating content and design which are both flexible and technical. Finding a platform that suits your industry is your best bet.

6. Your most effective salesperson

Content that provides information is great, however it is important that its primary focus is results-driven. Your site should be your best salesperson and ultimately transform visitors into valuable customers. Each area of your site should make a real contribution to delivering results.

7. Measurable and Measured

Knowing where to invest money comes down to data and analytics. Investigating site traffic details, what led to conversions and the most impressionable content is considerably achievable these days. This is a great way of uncovering the answers to where and how your website contributes to the bottom line.

Striving for a website that is not only interesting and engaging but a source of long-term value is the ultimate goal for all businesses in the recruiting industry, whether you are an agency or internal talent team.

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