JXT Blog

How to Recruit With Diversity in Mind

JXT Blog - How to Recruit for Diversity

JXT Blog - How to Recruit for Diversity

By Rick Maré, Founder & CEO, JXT    Connect with Rick on LinkedIn >>>

Many businesses put a lot of emphasis on the right cultural fit (and rightly so, since getting the ‘culture’ part right not only attracts great people, you can also engage and retain them in the long term). However, diversity is something that we sometimes neglect to shine the spotlight on. While we are so focused on finding the person with the right skills and the right ‘cultural fit’ we may not be spending enough time understanding the organisation’s approach to diversity and the importance of diversity in our business.

The diversity checklist can be extensive and hard to navigate for a lot of people.  As professional recruiters, it pays to understand in detail how your clients approach diversity in the workforce and what type of flexibility we can offer to candidates who may not fit in that typical “box”.

When we are armed with this knowledge we are able to make it easier for job seekers to learn as much as they can about the opportunity and whether it may work for them before applying to the role. It also empowers us to challenge the way a client thinks about what roles ‘traditionally’ looks like and market to a wider audience by exploring alternative options:

Work diversity and recruiting

McKinsey & Co has done research that shows companies that embrace gender diversity are 15% more likely to outperform their lesser counterparts. Even more interesting, companies that are ethnically diverse will outperform those that aren’t by 35%. This correlation indicates when companies commit to diversity, they tend to become more successful.

Statistics confirm a diverse workforce positively influence business profitability. Important to note, it is more than just balancing gender distribution. It extends to characteristics such as race, ethnicity, age, religion, ability, orientation, lifestyle arrangements, mobility and job share options.

“How do we manage that wide group of diverse talent and match it to the role as effectively as possible?”

Integrating diversity into your recruitment

How do you brand to attract a diverse pool?

Next, how do you promote this to your wider audience?


Today’s recruiters deal with hundreds of variables when it comes to matching the right talent with the right role and business. Managing diversity just adds another variable to the equation, albeit important one. How well you streamline and manage your diverse talent acquisition can benefit greatly from having a simple, robust and intuitive digital ecosystem to support those actions.

About the author

Rick Maré is the founder and CEO of JXT, the number one provider of cloud-based digital marketing solutions for recruiters and corporate recruiters. Rick has coached thousands of recruiters, empowering them to take their businesses and careers to the next level. Connect with Rick on LinkedIn.

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