
First Name Last Name
Email Address
Title Department

Section 1: Website Design

How would you rate the web design process? *
Did you find the Design Process Educational? *
Are you Happy with the Design Outcome? *
Additional Comments on the Design Process or Outcome?

Section 2: Website Development Questions

How would you rate the quality of development on your project? *
Does the functionality of the site meet your expectations? *
Did you face any major issues through the Beta Review process? *
Any additional comments about the development team or issues?

Section 3: Project Management Process

Was their sufficient communication about your project from the project team? *
Were the project timelines clearly communicated and enough feedback provided regarding where you were? *
Additional Comments About the Project Process?

Section 4: Overall Review

How likely are your to recommend JXT? *
Are there further changes that need to be made on your website? *
Additional Comments, Concerns, Praise or anything on your mind?
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