One of the biggest challenges that recruiters face is investing in websites that are out of date the minute they are launched. This is common to platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal and other open-source systems. At JXT, we fix this by continually upgrading our platform so you’re never out of date.
In days gone by, a recruiter or corporate recruiter might have been able to deploy a CMS (Content Management System) and then simply use it without upgrading it for years. Those days are over. The technology environment is moving so fast that CMS’s that are not upgraded at least every few months will likely be riddled with bugs, security issues and be out of compliance with search protocols from Google. At JXT we fix this by ensuring that our Digital Marketing Platform is Google-friendly, secure and optimized for the latest technological advances. This gives our client the peace of mind, knowing that they don’t have to worry about the next major technology headache.